Cancellation made more than 6hrs before booking start: ₹100
Cancellation made within 6hrs of booking start: 50 % of Booking Fee
Cancellation made within 2hrs of booking time: 75% of the Booking Fee
Cancellation made after booking start: No Refund
Note: (Cancellation refund will be done through the original payment method within 7- 10 working days)
Modifications made more than 6hrs before booking start: ₹50
Modifications made within 6-2 hrs of booking start: ₹50 or 10% of the booking (which so ever is greater)
Modification made within 2-1 hrs of booking start: ₹100 or 20% of the booking (which so ever is greater)
Extension before start time: ₹50 extra plus the normal charges for the period extended
Extension post start time: ₹250 extra plus the normal charges for the period extended
Please note that extension is subject to vehicle availability
Extension charges should be paid fully in either cash or through online payment methods in order to extend the booking successfully.
Non Geared Scooters: First 2 hours of delay would be charged at ₹100 + hourly rates
KTM and Dominar: First 2 hours of delay would be charged at ₹300 + hourly rates
Royal Enfield: First 2 hours of delay would be charged at ₹250 + hourly rates
All Other Bikes: First 2 hours of delay would be charged at ₹200 + hourly rates
Post 2 Hours, subsequent hourly charges will be applicable on weekdays (Mon–Fri)
On weekends(Sat-Sun) - next 24 hour rental will be charges post 2 hours of late return.
Initially two warnings, then charged at ₹ 200 for overspeeding 3rd time. Beyond 3rd warning a Penalty of ₹500 is charged (over and above any government fines that may have been levied)
Non Geared Scooters: 75km/hour
RE, CBR and Avenger: 100km/hour
KTM and Dominar: 110km/hour
All Other vehicles: 90km/hour
₹800 for each
₹500 for key
Insurance claim will only be taken in case the estimate is above INR 10,000/-
In case of the repair estimate is more than INR 10,000 - the customer has to bear
1. The amount which is not covered under insurance claim
2. Rental amount for the number of days taken for repair
Entire claim amount has to be paid by the customer upfront. MeetUrNeed will refund the amount claimed under insurance to the customer, as when the claim process is completed.
MeetUrNeed does not provide fuel. The tariff mentioned is exclusive of fuel. MeetUrNeed provides one litre fuel while delivery of vehicle and expects the rider to return the same amount of fuel while returning the vehicle. In case there is excess fuel in the vehicle at the time of return, MeetUrNeed is not liable for any refunds for the same.
In case there is shortage of fuel in the vehicle, the fuel charges as applicable have to be borne by the rider.